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5 mo

Let's play. How would you react if a person of opposite gender looked into your eyes and didn't break the eye contact?

Ooh, I love experiments, especially social ones. I'm really only writing to get your update later. I don't stare at people. I don't avoid eye contact, but I never linger. But from talking to... Flirting

5 mo

Is it normal to get feelings towards someone who puts effort in with you?

Absolutely. But eventually, with more experience, you will come to know the difference. And you will also see examples of others misinterpreting your warmth, etc. for romantic interest. It all... Dating

5 mo

How important is body language to you in determining if someone is attracted to you/in the mood?

Very important! It's fun reading body language. I've read and studied it. There's a good book by an ex-FBI guy, forget his name atm. But I have to admit, I've also consistently underestimated... Flirting

5 mo

The best couple is a psychiatric doctor couple profession?

Oh, hellz no. I'm seeing more and more examples over the years of therapists being just as stupid as everyone else in relationships. And that is surprising to me, but I can't ignore all the... Relationships

5 mo

What is a way to a girls heart?

It's apparently same as men's. Dating

5 mo

Should I apologize to my ex for verbal abuse?

Yes, you should. The fact that you were drunk and breaking up still doesn't justify it. You don't have to label it "verbal abuse". Just explain that you know it was wrong, you lost your head, and... Break Up & Divorce

5 mo

Girls if you are a good guy at heart but hard to get noticed by girls.. what can I do?

Well, I don't want to bore you with standard advice like joining some clubs etc. doing activities you like. Everyone knows that. But how about frequenting the same places - retail, I mean - so... Dating

5 mo

After how many dates do you start being in a relationship on average?

Lots of people are having sex but don't consider it 'a relationship'. Especially nowadays, with terms being created like friends with benefits (who are not even really friends you can rely on when... Dating

5 mo

How do I fix my tumultuous relationship with my boyfriend?

You're getting some good advice here. There isn't enough info for me to feel I can offer anything substantive. Details matter. I'd suggest giving more next time. When I speak vaguely, it tends not... Relationships

6 mo

Is it bad to want to know why someone ghosted? Do you ask?

Yes, it's okay to ask. But it's a delicate situation with endless possible reasons, so be tactful and gentle about what, exactly, you say/ask. Is this a guy you were/are interested in? Or some... Dating

6 mo

Do you believe “nice guys” actually exist?

Actually being "nice" has evolutionary benefits, too. Humans can be cutthroat, but we are also a social species, and cooperation is advantageous. So, I'd classify it as us vacillating between the... Relationships

6 mo

How to get a girlfriend?

lol My husband says, "Persistence. Work on yourself. Be the best person you can be." (He said this while taking apart and trying to fix a fan lol) First thing that came to my head is, watch... Dating

6 mo

Boyfriend wants to throw me out over wearing his jacket?

You sound very reasonable. Are you telling us enough of the story/context? I read it out to my husband, and he said, "It's not about the jacket. This guy's being a dick, he's pissed, but it's not... Relationships

6 mo

How wrong is it to use dating apps for free food from guys?

Very wrong. Morality is not morality just when it's convenient. It exists even in tough times, not as a justification. A good friend of mine was used by someone just like you. He also sent her... Dating

6 mo

Can a toxic relationship be fixed or is it better to break up?

The crux is what one labels "toxic". It is a wildly overused term nowadays. It's therapyspeak used to bolster and militarize one stance, one person's point of view, very often. It's too subjective... Relationships

6 mo

Do you think two completely opposite personalities can make it work?

No, there have been studies on this and over the long-term, opposites don't work well. There's too many differences to reconcile. It takes a toll, creates more conflicts, and ends in more breakups. Relationships

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