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+1 y

Ladies low key want a boyfriend like Joe. Agree or disagree?

A boyfriend who looks like Joe? Yes. A boyfriend who acts like Joe? I don't think most women would like a boyfriend who keeps their used tampons in a box, no. Relationships

+1 y

What's the worst birthday you've ever seen?

My family made me cry on my birthday twice. Once when I was a child and once when I was 14 Relationships

+1 y

Why does the relationship last longer when the man is the provider?

Studies show that if the woman is the breadwinner, she's usually still the one doing most of the housework. So those relationships don't last for obvious reasons. Women don't like working all... Relationships

+1 y

Are men hardwired to cheat?

It doesn't matter. People can control themselves Relationships

+1 y

Do you know your attachment style when it comes to relationships?

"Disorganized / Fearful Avoidant The Disorganized Attachment Style, also referred to as Fearful Avoidant, is a contradictory attachment style that alternates between the Preoccupied and... Relationships

+1 y

"Women mean it when they say they love you, bur then they simply change idea" - what do you think about this quote?

Seems dumb to me. If someone truly loves you then they don't just change their mind Relationships

+1 y

Which gender has higher expectations in relationships?

In regards to physical appearance, men have higher expectations. In regards to most other things, women have higher expectations Relationships

+1 y

Are you down and/or depressed right now? ... why?

Hurt because of an argument with my sister who is acting like I'm the bad guy for trying to keep my mom safe (most people in response to this poll agreed with me that I did what was right) Was I... Relationships

+1 y

Why is it so hard for men to stay friends with women?

A male friend told me that it's because it would be too emotionally painful to be around the girl if he wants her but can't have her Family & Friends

+1 y

How should a boyfriend treat his girlfriend during her period?

Be considerate & help with anything she might need. Same as how a woman should treat her man if he isn't feeling well Relationships

+1 y

Should a guy ever buy menstrual products for his girlfriend?

If she needs them, and he doesn't buy her some, that's a dick move. Same if he's sick at home and needs Pepto Bismol in order to stop his vomiting; if she refuses to get him some, that's also a... Relationships

+1 y

Would you let your 14 yo daughter wear a bikini?

When I was 14, and still today, I wore/wear a tankini with a swimskirt. I think it is better. I think of it this way: I wouldn't go outside in my bra and underwear, so why would I go in public in... Family & Friends

+1 y

Guys, Do you expect your wife/girlfriend to serve you food at the dinner table?

I think it's reasonable to expect this if he's the one providing for all the needs of the household (as he should be). My mom said that if you bring home the bacon, you shouldn't be expected to... Relationships

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