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1 y

Guys, Guys what would be your reasons for declining a coffee date if a girl asked you?

But he won't say no. Why would he say no? I don't understand why he would say no, unless he's like: 1. "eww KatiaK_1996? ... That girl? I would never consider dating her. Doesn't she know how... Dating

1 y

Is lap dancing required in a relationship?

This... is hilarious. Please believe me... lap-dancing is NOT required in a relationship. AT ALL. I have, in fact, been in many relationships. With pretty girls... who were great at the sex-part.... Dating

1 y

I'm starting to experience negative emotions/doubts in my relationship do I bring this up to my boyfriend?

You do need to bring up these concerns. Definitely. You need be be a little careful how you approach two of them. So the texting thing and feeling you don't have a connection with him when you... Relationships

1 y

Guys, do you care if your girl gains some weight? If you do, would you tell her?

If she gains a bit of weight that's not an issue at all. I wouldn't say anything because I wouldn't have a problem with it. If, however, she gained a whole lot of weight (and there was no... Dating

1 y

Why don’t I have a boyfriend?

Part of it, (and only part) is that you want one so very badly, and are trying so very hard to find someone to make your boyfriend. That legitimately makes it harder to find one. You end up... Dating

1 y

Is it a bad idea to write a letter to a girl I'll probably never see again?

Shit dude. You should have told her this a long time ago. I don't even know if it really makes any sense to at this point. I understand why you're wanting to not let her leave without making your... Flirting

1 y

Whay do you think of the name Dallas for a boy?

I would like to give that name two very entusiastic thumbs DOWN. That's a very strong "no" from me. I think... nothing good about the name Dallas for a boy. I immidiately have negative feelings... Dating

1 y

Anyone else think Australian women are the worst to date?

I really can't weigh in here. But... I find your observations interesting. Genuinely. 🙂 Dating

1 y

Do you really believe if you don't receive compliments about your appearance from anyone other than family, then that means you're unattractive?

I don't know that that's necessarily true. I think there are for sure people (quieter shyer people) who might tend to not receive as many compliments... simply because people don't feel as... Flirting

1 y

Are guys that act too mushy on first dates red flags?

I don't know if I would go so far as to call it a "red-flag." But it's certainly enough for you to not want a second date with the guy. What makes this inappropriate, is simply the fact that it... Dating

1 y

Do You Need To Train Your Partner Not To Cheat?

No. That's absurd. Whoever wrote that has some really messed-up views. I wouldn't take any advice about relationships from that person. They don't know what they're talking about. Relationships

1 y

Was this a form of meddling from his brother or was he right?

No this guy is clearly meddling. In an inexcusable way. He's definitely an asshole. I can't believe your boyfriend hasn't told his brother to fuck-right-off already. This is inexcusable. He has no... Relationships

1 y

Would you move in with someone you have only known for a month, if so why?

No. That is a bad idea. That's a clearly and obviously bad idea. I don't lick the stove when it's hot, for the same reason. Nothing good will come of such a bad fucking idea. It's easy to foresee... Dating

1 y


I do not think anyone is actually looking at it. You are playing mind-games with yourself. Nothing more. I don't think you have ESP or anything and are correctly 'feeling' someone is looking at... Dating

1 y

Would you tell your partner your dirty secrets before you get married?

You better tell your partner all of this. Otherwise you're 100% not ready to marry them. Going into a marriage with secrets is a bad bet. 🙂 Relationships

1 y

Some therapists believe there are times when an affair can rescue a marriage or relationship and even make it stronger? Do you agree or disagree?

I would just look at that dude... say nothing... and walk-the-fuck out of that office. Because that therapist doesn't know shit. I do not want to hear a damn thing that therapist has to suggest.... Relationships

1 y

Do you think that generally introverts are able to build deeper human relationships than extroverts?

No. I do not. Not at all. I do not think there is any correlation whatsoever between the two. 🙂 Relationships

1 y

If you're still in love with your ex should you tell your current boyfriend/girlfriend? Don't they deserve to know?

If you're still in love with your ex... you shouldn't be in a relationship with anyone else! So, yes, they deserve to know... so they can dump-your-ass for not being ready to be in a relationship... Relationships

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