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1 y

Do you really think there is someone out there for you?

I hope there's someone out there for me. It really touched me to read what you wrote here. It really got to me actually. I think that there is someone out there for you. I think that eventually,... Dating

1 y

If a person has had 3 + girlfriends or boyfriends in relationships but all failed, does that person just have a bit of bad luck or are they the problem?

No, that doesn't automatically indicate a problem. Not at all. It's possible that "you're the problem" but if that's the case, then you would have been made aware of it. Or it would be fairly... Relationships

1 y

Could you marry or date someone who does Onlyfans?

No. Absolutely not. I wouldn't even consider dating someone with an onlyfans. If I could put that on my dating profile, without looking like a jerk... I would put it on my profile. No onlyfans... Dating

1 y

Do abusers ever Truly really change?

No. I do not believe they do. I am unfamiliar with a single instance of that ever happening. Ever. Maybe with some really really intensive therapy over many many years it's possible. I'm not... Relationships

1 y

Do you believe that calling someone by their name shows affection?

No they aren't related. It's a technique some people use, (and that they'll teach in sales seminars and shit). For some people it becomes a habit. But I don't think that it's true of anyone that... Relationships

1 y

Why does my guy friend not want me to talk about other guys?

Yea he clearly has feelings for you. Although I don' t know what his issue is. His telling you that IS THE SAME as telling you straigh-out that he has feelings for you. But it's doing it without... Flirting

1 y

Do you think it is important to go through times of struggle?

I don't think that it's important to go through times of struggle. I think that everyone will go through those times of struggle though. If there's one thing I've learned in 38 years, it's that.... Relationships

1 y

Guys, would you date and give a girl with 4 children a chance?

I think that's going to depend very much on the guy. I'm 38, and would love kids... but for practical reasons am slowly becoming reconciled to that being unlikely. But overall, I am a guy who is... Dating

1 y

Guys, Guys what would be your reasons for declining a coffee date if a girl asked you?

But he won't say no. Why would he say no? I don't understand why he would say no, unless he's like: 1. "eww KatiaK_1996? ... That girl? I would never consider dating her. Doesn't she know how... Dating

1 y

Is lap dancing required in a relationship?

This... is hilarious. Please believe me... lap-dancing is NOT required in a relationship. AT ALL. I have, in fact, been in many relationships. With pretty girls... who were great at the sex-part.... Dating

1 y

I am 5’6.5 am I too tall to be considered feminine for men to date me or just in general?

No. That's not even a tall girl. This... is not a thing that guys are going to masculinize you for. I have no idea the extent to which guys genuinely see you that way vs. your perception that guys... Dating

1 y

Why don’t I have a boyfriend?

Part of it, (and only part) is that you want one so very badly, and are trying so very hard to find someone to make your boyfriend. That legitimately makes it harder to find one. You end up... Dating

1 y

How “real” do you consider virtual relationships to be?

My view has changed on this funnily enough. I used to think it was "less real" than an actual relationship. But then again, I didn't think the concept on an actual friendship with someone online... Relationships

1 y

My boyfriend proposed but I don’t wanna marry him?

Don't worry about seeming like the bad guy. That's not what this is about. You do need to give this man a clear and straight answer that you do not want to marry him. It's not fair to leave him... Relationships

1 y

Whay do you think of the name Dallas for a boy?

I would like to give that name two very entusiastic thumbs DOWN. That's a very strong "no" from me. I think... nothing good about the name Dallas for a boy. I immidiately have negative feelings... Dating

1 y

Anyone else think Australian women are the worst to date?

I really can't weigh in here. But... I find your observations interesting. Genuinely. 🙂 Dating

1 y

I don't know how to end things with him?

I can give you good advice here. On this particular question. There is only one way to handle this situation. You need to hadle it directly. As much as you don't want to. That is what you... Dating

1 y

Do you really believe if you don't receive compliments about your appearance from anyone other than family, then that means you're unattractive?

I don't know that that's necessarily true. I think there are for sure people (quieter shyer people) who might tend to not receive as many compliments... simply because people don't feel as... Flirting

1 y

Do men care about a woman's age while dating?

Well sure men care about a woman's age while dating. Obviously. But they certainly don't look at the way any woman in her thirties THINKS men look at a woman's age. (at least no woman in her... Dating

1 y

Is there anyone who is obsessed with partner’s romantic history and jealous of his past relationships?

You're gonna need to stop yourself. This is unhealthy. You need to examine your own motivations here. Doesn't everybody have a past? Why should his past relationships be all that... Relationships

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