He doesn't celebrate birthdays?

So my birthday was today and I spent it with my boyfriend...I guess he thought I was expecting some extravagant gift or a present of some type because I got him something for his birthday...well he didn't get me anything because he said that he doesn't celebrate birthdays he even said that on his birthday and this is for no particular reason but I told him that the simple things make me happy and just taking me out somewhere nice would make me happy. So he took me to a movie an dinner...when I got home my mom asked me what did he do for me and she kinda talked it down and said he didn't even bother to give you something you would remember? And now I just feel bad...like I was stupid for accepting that he didn't go out and buy me anything... should he have done more for me its the first birthday for our relationship and I have been with him for 10 months
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I was happy with what he did but does the fact he didn't go all out on my birthday for me show my worth to him
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I'm not sure how to go about saying something to him because I acted all happy? And I don't want to come off sounding dumb
He doesn't celebrate birthdays?
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