3 Further Creepy Unsolved Murders

3 Further Creepy Unsolved Murders

If you hadn't gathered by now I love creepy stuff. So here are two more creepy unsolved murders.

Side note, is that picture not like the best, I love how the person in the mirror clearly doesn't match up with the arm with the knife, it makes it far creepier.

The Stoneman killer of Mumbai

3 Further Creepy Unsolved Murders

From 1985-1988 Mumbai was home to a disturbed serial killer. The possible body count is as high as 26 with 13 confirmed victims. Now the English language press at the time called the killer the 'stoneman' because his Modus operandi was to find a sleeping person and bash their skull in with one blow from a large rock. Now the Stoneman mostly targeted the Homeless population of the city. However as quickly as the killings had started, they stopped. Now in 1989 A similar series of killings started up again in the city of Calcutta (why are indian names so freaking awesome?), with thirteen more victims. Now many believe this also to be the work of the stoneman, myself included which would double the bodycount. Now who the Stoneman was is unknown, hell we don't even know if it was a man or woman despite the title Stoneman. All we know, is that there were 26 people who never got the justice they deserved.

The Lake Bodom murders

3 Further Creepy Unsolved Murders

In 1960 four teenagers were camping on the shores of Lake Bodom in Finland, ). Two Fifteen year old Girls and their Eighteen Year old Girlfriends. However only one of them would live through the night. The Assaliant stabbed and bludgeoned both of the girls and one of the boys to death. The fourth, Nils Gustafsson Sustained severe injuries such as a concussion, a fractured jaw and heavy bruising all over his body. He said the only thing he could remember about the night was a vision of black and bright red eyes coming for them. forty-four years later in 2004 Finland decided to Charge Nils Gustafsson the sole survivor with the crime however he was found not guilty after the fact that there is no evidence to suggest he committed the crime. To this day, the lake Bodom Murders are still unsolved.

The Villisca Axe Murders

3 Further Creepy Unsolved Murders

Sometime between the night of June 9th 1912 and the early morning of June 10th 1912

in Villisca Iowa The Moore Family and their two house guest were brutally murdered with an axe. The Moore family was fairly affluent and by all accounts, really good people and well liked because of it. So what could motivate such a brutal attack on the family and the houseguests is completely unknown as it nothing was stolen so it wasn't a robbery. There were numerous suspects and one of them, George Kelly was tried and acquitted of the murders twice.

Now All of these people and thats what they were, people, they had hopes, dreams, fears, humanity, a soul, all of these people were as human as you or I, and they were unfairly taken. It goes to show that you could be a good person and someone will still want to hurt you. The sad truth is that some people don't need a reason to kill. May they rest in peace


3 Further Creepy Unsolved Murders
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