Flakka: This Drug Turns You Into a Zombie!

Drug addiction is increasing everyday. Most of us come across with people who pass out, go into shock, or lay there without moving because of using drugs. These people are so high on drugs that they are not aware of anything but it scares people around them.

Do people on drugs effect your life? Most might say no but these people might be very dangerous sometimes. Especially when they take flakka!

What is flakka?

Flakka: This Drug Turns You Into a Zombie!

Flakka is as potent as methamphetamine, yet with an even higher propensity for addiction development in those who abuse this substance.

It’s a man-made drug created primarily from a chemical called alpha-PVP. It’s a synthetic version of cathinone, the stimulant made from the plants. They come in crystal pebbles and can be snorted, smoked, injected or eaten.

Why is flakka dangerous?

It causes "excited delirium", which results in hyperstimulation, paranoia, and hallucinations that can lead to "violent aggression".

Here are some people using flakka.

Flakka: This Drug Turns You Into a Zombie!
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