Why Being Famous Sucks

Why being famous sucks
Why being famous sucks

You can no longer enjoy simple things.

You can no longer just pop to the shops or grab a coffee or even walk your dog in the local park. You now have to carefully plan your every step. Everything needs to be planned like going into a restaurant and coming out etc... You also have to make sure you look good and act well at all times when you are out because you will be photographed and put on the internet. So there is constant pressure. Going to the pub? Alcoholic, going to the local park? Desperate for attention, your grandad has died? Your an ugly crier, you’ve broken up with your partner? You cheated. Your being stalked? Don’t call the police you idiot your a celeb just get over it. Your no longer human, you belong to everyone else after all if you can’t take no longer having a life “don’t choose to be famous.”

Imagine if everyone knew you.

sounds great doesn’t it? Not when you think about how you can no longer make new friends unless they are as much of a “celebrity” as you because you can no longer just meet strangers and say “hi” if you do happen to meet someone who actually isn’t using you then you still don’t trust them 100%

I know all this because I’m friends with a “celebrity” we go out and the next day apparently we are dating. We went out once for some drinks and he got really drunk and I had to hide him under my jacket whilst he was being sick so none saw because that simple thing that everyone’s been through could ruin him. Simple things that we all do would ruin them. Something as simple as having one too many and say goodbye to having an opinion. Your life is literally taken away and I watch him and I ask him about it and he says “it’s fine. It’s the life I chose” but I’ll always say “you didn’t choose this. Your just talented and then other people started noticing” and he’ll laugh but I can tell he’s sad. I can tell he’s sad he can’t just go home and see his mum because he’s so busy, he’s sad he’s lost his childhood friends because he didn’t have the time to travel to see them, I can tell he’s said he got blamed for what happened to his ex, I can tell he’s sad that when he lost his dad everyone told him that “that’s the real world, cheer up” and people saw the funeral as a way to meet him. They didn’t care they just wanted a photo with him, I can’t tell he’s sad that when he went to get my birthday present he got told “that’s the worst present! All that money and you got that?! Such a tight ass” when that present meant a lot to me. I can tell he’s sad that he can’t do anything right anymore, I can tell he’s sad and that even though everyone knows him he’s lonely, I can tell he’s sad he’ll never have his “old life” back. I can tell he’s hurting.

I mean imagine getting judged by the whole world.

Why Being Famous Sucks
Post Opinion