Name the City - #2?

Name the City - #2?

This is a question in the series on Cities of the World. Each question will contain several things about a city and the goal is to guess what city that is. Unlike the country questions, there will be no starting letter hint. We'll try to have a new question each day.

Hint: The city may or may not be one of the cities in the picture.

Things about this city:

* This city is its country's capital

* The city is built on 14 islands interconnected with 57 bridges

* In its native language the city's name means "Log Island"

* It's the first capital city to be named "European Green Capital"

* It contains the most museum's of any city in the world, including one to a popular music group

* The Nobel Prize (except Peace Prize) is awarded here

* The largest warship of its time sank in the harbor just a few minutes after its launch in the 17th Century

* The MINESWEEPER computer game was invented here

* A coffee break here is called "Fika"

* The city's oldest building is a Franciscan Monastery built in 1270

Please don't cheat by looking it up or looking at other peoples' opinions and guesses. Make your best guess.

If you think you know what city this is, make your guess in an opinion below.

Good luck! And HAVE FUN!

The correct answer will be given in a few days (Thursday).

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CORRECTION... The city of Paris has more museums than this city, although this city does have around 100 museums, which is among the most of any city in the world.
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The correct answer is Stockholm Sweden.

Some details...
There is an ABBA museum
The VASA is the warship that sank, was salvaged in the 1960s and is now in its own Vasa Museum
The oldest building is Riddarholmen Church
Name the City - #2?
12 Opinion