Is 38 years-old "Middle Aged"?

Is 38 years-old Middle Aged?

I was casually referred to as a "middle aged man" by a punk-ass-kid; who I thought I was having a pleasant conversation with.

Is it true? Am I now, properly "middle aged?" Would describing myself as "a middle aged man" be an accurate overall description of my age?

When I image search "middle aged," I get people like the dude in this picture. This dude's at least 50. Right? (this is a stock image for "middle aged"). This is what I think of as middle aged. The time when someone might have a "midlife crisis." I don't think you can have a midlife crisis at 38 years old... can you?

So please, give me the cold hard truth here. I don't want to be under any illusions.

(I also feel like any 38 year old woman would slap-the-shit out of somebody who called them "middle aged." Am I wrong?)

Yes. At 38 years old, you are Middle Aged. It's a fact
No. 38 years old is no spring chicken. But not Middle Aged yet.
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Is 38 years-old "Middle Aged"?
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