Which Single Are You?


You're single. Congratulations!
You're free to do whatever you want and free from the drama of being in a relationship with someone.
You are loving life and enjoying your own company and loving yourself without the complications of having someone else ruining the moment.
But are you really?

Which Single Are You?
Let's dissect the different types of single and let's see which one are you:

1. The Carefree, Available and Ready to Mingle Single.

This is the one I was describing above. The no hassle carefree single loving life.

2. The Talking to someone Single.

They're single but talking to someone and is flirting with someone exclusively.

3. The Single who's infatuated with someone.

They're single but infatuated with someone and will only date them if and when the opportunity arises.

Which Single Are You?

4. The Expert on Relationships Single.

They're single but they are expert on relationships and gives you the best advice lol. Your S/O doesn't like them very much lol. You are more inclined to listen and take their advice. Hence, the more your s/o dislikes them.

5. The Problematic Single.

They're single with relationship problems. They're not in a relationship but have problems with people they're having mutual feelings minus the label. On Facebook, their relationship status says "It's complicated".

Which Single Are You?

6. The Bachelor/Bachelorette Single.

They're single but they are talking to/going out with multiple people and screening them out one by one to find the potential relationship partner.

7. The Loyal Single.

They're in love with someone and feels like if they talk or see someone else, they are cheating on them so they'd rather be single.

Which Single Are You?

8. The Still Hung up on Their Ex Single.

They are still not over their ex and would rather stay single than be in a rebound.

9. The Career/Goal driven Single.

Their priorities are solely focused for now on making money and being successful. They have no interest whatsoever in romantic relationships until they reach their goals.

Which Single Are You?

10. The Samantha Jones Single.

This Single doesn't believe in relationships. Think Samantha Jones in Sex and the City. It's all about the sex or about them. There is nothing wrong with that. They just know what they want.

Which Single Are You?

11. The Forever After Alone Single.

This single already gave up on relationships entirely. They had a string of failed relationships and decided they'd rather be single than be cheated on, lied to, used and abused. They are done. They have accepted the fate of 40 cats moving in with them until they're dying day.

Which Single Are You?

12. The Unwanted Forever Alone Single.

This single feels nobody wants them and always get rejected.

Which Single Are You?

13. The Shy Single

They are too shy/awkward to approach the person they fancy which results to no relationship. Hence they still single.

14. The Matchmaker Single.

They are too busy matchmaking their friends they end up single.

Which Single Are You?

15. The Third Wheel Single.

They are happy going on dates third wheeling with their friends' dates, getting freebies and enjoying being single while watching their friends' love stories unfold from the sidelines. They usually become the Maid of Honor/Best Man at weddings.

There you have it. If I forgot to mention you, please feel free to add. Either way being single is still way better than being with someone who makes you feel more alone...

Which Single Are You?

Thanks for the time reading.

Xo's Pinay_Ako

Which Single Are You?
107 Opinion