My wife wants to find herself. She says she's fallen out of love, headed for divorce?

Hello, my wife of a year and love of my life for 7 years has decided that she wants a divorce. We have been together since she was 16 and I was 18, her father kicked her out at 19 and felt that I was always her savior sent from her late mother. She says that she has not been happy for awhile, but has put on a front to make me happy. She feels that she has become to dependent on me and that this relationship was forced. It was "the right thing to do at the time" and that "the feelings never grew". She feels that this is not the way a 23 year old girl should be living and that she needs to better herself as a person and be much more independent not needing to rely on anyone but herself. She feels that she put too much emphasis on letting me do a lot for the relationship and her in general. All she has ever communicated that she wanted was a family of her own, since hers ended with her mother. I've done nothing but try and provide this to her. There are no kids currently but has been a on going topic. She feels that she needs to grow as an individual and find out who she is, who she now inspires to be and that she need to be on her own for once in her life to be able to do this. She fells there is so much for her to see, so much to do, and so many people to meet. This is all needed to create her self along the way. She just can't find it in herself to go on not knowing who she is. She says that she loves me but is not in love with me, that she has fallen out of love somewhere along the way. Our intimacy has been shaky for some time, not bad just shaky. I am a big believer in "things happen for a reason", she in a way is using that to her advantage. She said she never planned for this it just happened. She says if I truly believe in us and that we're meant to be together then one day she'll be brought back to me, but in no way is she asking me to wait. The other part of this is that she has been out partying with a girlfriend who has just graduated from college with a very promising and wealthy future, I think she could be envious in a way. To boot this girlfriend is dating someone new and hanging out with a new crowd. A crowd that my soon to be ex-wife has been pulled into. Yes I am going where you think I am, there is a new man that shares her beliefs and agrees that she should do all of this if it makes her happy. Yes they have been involved for approximately a week now, possibly more. She although says the decision to split has nothing to do with him, it is the "finding herself" issue. I have asked for counseling, I have sat down with her and discussed her feelings the last 4 nights in a row, there is no swaying her decision. I have shed a lot of tears over the past week and she asked if I noticed that she has not shed one. She said this is because in her heart its the right thing to do. I've taken off from work as I cannot function right now. We are speaking tonight on how to divide our possessions. Not sure where to go from here.
My wife wants to find herself. She says she's fallen out of love, headed for divorce?
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