She doesn't want to lead me on?

OK so this girl I've bee having great convo with for a week tonight doesn't pick up here phone when I call and says sorry I'm not feeling well and says we can Facebook chat instead. Come to find out she just isn't wasn't feeling well. I say well I can't because I'm going out. Later that night when I get home she is on Facebook and I IM her. Conversations all good and she says she is just chilling in her room and feels sick. The conversation gets kind of dull and I felt like I was annoying her kinda so I said OK guess Ill talk to you tomorrow. wamo! why so negative? you guess? then bamo! I'm now way to emotionally involved and interested in her because I got upset at her lack of communication apparently. I'm like oh my god I wasn't upset I just thought you wanted me to leave you alone.. it kind of seemed like it. Then she goes on to say she isn't looking for a relationship. She says I'm way too emotionally involved and she doesn't want to lead me on. I'm like what the F! are you talking about? she was just hitting me up the day before asking me all these questions, wanted to go see avatar with me and was always asking what I was up to. what the hell is wrong with some girls? freaking weird I think it was her time of month or something
She doesn't want to lead me on?
2 Opinion