GUYS: will you get tired of seeing your girlfriend?

My boyfriend is awesome. He is loving, caring and everything a girl could ask for. We've been together for approximately 8 months now and I've realised that recently he seems to be less loving (he says "I love you" a lot less). He says "I miss you" a lot less too, and last time he would get slightly upset that we wouldn't get to meet twice that week, he is fine with only meeting once a week now.

He also recently said when I said I couldn't meet him as scheduled (it would have been the 3rd date in that week) that: "You must also need a break from me."

I freaked out when he said that but I played it cool. Inside I was thinking, "Is he saying he's tired of meeting me and needs a break from me?"

The week before, when I said in passing that I would like to spend more time with my family, he said, "If you want maybe we can meet every other week instead."

I am scared that he is tired of seeing me so often (we typically meet at least once a week, sometimes two or even three times) so GUYS please let me know if you ever get sick of seeing your girlfriend this often and if I should just meet him every 2 weeks or something. Or if this is a sign that he will break up with me soon?
GUYS: will you get tired of seeing your girlfriend?
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