You're not single because you're ugly, You're single because of your lack of confidence and picky-ness. Agree or disagree?

I see a lot of people (especially on this website) say things like "Aw boo-hoo I'm sad and single because i'm UGLY. nobody will ever love me. boo-hoo :("

I don't think being ugly completely stops you from being in a relationship. I've seen some UGLY ass people who are in perfectly happy relationships. I don't mean to judge people on appearance but it's true...
I've also seen people who are completely average looking with good looking partners.

So anytime someone complains about how "nobody will ever like them" because they "aren't attractive'
i think its a load of bullshit. Your insecurities and lack of confidence is truly what stops you from being in a relationship. And I know being insecure isn't exactly easy to fix, but there are ways to gain confidence.
Plus 90% of the time people complain about their looks, they're not even ugly... like wtf are you talking about? You look fine.

also, a lot of people who complain about being single are way too picky... You want your partner to look like a model and have the perfect personality. Which isn't going to happen. You can't reject everyone who wants you for small reasons and then wonder why you're still single. Sometimes you need to give people a chance.

Am I wrong?
+1 y
by the way this isn't towards people who chose to be single. I'm specificallyyyy talking about people who cry and blame their ugliness on why they're single
You're not single because you're ugly, You're single because of your lack of confidence and picky-ness. Agree or disagree?
19 Opinion