Is it ok for your partner to like others Instagram pictures?

do you think it’s ok for your partner to like others pictures? As a girl, I can say it does upset me especially when it is a “sexy” photo. And there is certain girls that he will literally like every single one of their photos, so I want to know how everyone else feels when it comes to this. Does it upset you? Or are you ok with it? No hate please, I am not possessive I am just insecure, but I do not think I am alone on this
Yes, that’s what Instagram is for
No, it pisses me off
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+1 y
So I took some advice and I have deactivated my account. It is temporary but I think it’s for the best. After letting my insecurities get to me. I haven’t been on for at least 7 hours so far. And I feel a lot better without it.
Is it ok for your partner to like others Instagram pictures?
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