How to ask a question through text without raising suspicion?

My partner is very insecure and constantly accusing me of cheating which i never have. He made me delete male friends on social media, he had a girl acquaintance that strated stalking my social media when i told him about it he offered to remove her as they werent close friends. Over the year She kept popping up all the time even though he said he told her that he didn't want to associate with her anymore. he's always asking me if im talking to any males which im not and has made me feel insecure. I msgd the girl in question and just said that i know they were only friends and apologized for interferance she replied saying its “totally fine, we are literally just mates” this makes me feel he's been lying and has still been in contact with her when he condemns me all the time about something im not doing and proved that im not. I know a lot of people will think this is wrong to do but when u have a partner constantly barrating you about things you are not doing telling you how unacceptable it would be and swearing they dont do it, it raises suspicion that they are blaming you out of guilt for what they are doing. How can i ask her if they are in regular contact without arising suspicion in her?
How to ask a question through text without raising suspicion?
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