Why are women still dating and marrying men while all of them cheat if given the chance?

Don’t get me with the “ but women cheat too”, cause they still cheat less despite the countless opportunities they have. If men could get casual sex as easily as women then most of them would never know what the term monogamy mean. in my opinion all men cheat cause it’s in their genetics to spread their seeds around, they can be romantic and lovey dovey with a girl but they will still accept the offer to fuck another woman, unless they’re asexual ( which is a rare hormonal case). Now I think most women are aware of it, even men admit it how they’re biologically programmed to be polygamous. My question is; why do women still want romantic relationship with men, and expect them to be loyal? Even ugly men cheat when the occasion shows up!
Why are women still dating and marrying men while all of them cheat if given the chance?
Why are women still dating and marrying men while all of them cheat if given the chance?
Post Opinion