How do I get over my girlfriend's guy best friend?

Damn it hurts so much. I love this community and here I am again with another question.
My girl told me she has a guy best friend and she is very close to him, he was there all the time for her. Today she was talking about her past and she told me she there was a time they were interested in each other which was 2 years ago after which they decided they won't commit because they don't see a future together. She also told me they've had sex too.

I love her and I don't have any problem with her past and whatever number of partners. But the fact she slept with her closest guy friend with whom she is till in touch with is making me so much insecure. Like, I dont have any right to control her friend circle or something and I'm not gonna. But I can get rid of this strong insecurity of mine. I know she won't cheat on me, but I'm so much worried of getting cheated again. She would visit his place often and that guy lives with one roommate.

(Yeah I am in an LDR)

Fun Fact: Both my relationships are/were LDR and the "guy best friends" have the same damn name.
How do I get over my girlfriend's guy best friend?
2 Opinion