Should I stay or leave my boyfriend?

Lately my boyfriend has been very distant. Distant as he stopped doing the romantic things he used to do, stopped texting, and then disappeared for a several days. When I asked what was going on, he said he was busy. We finally got a chance to talk and he has a lot going on financially, as well as his mom being sick and becoming dependent on him.

I want to stick by his side and help him through it but I just feel so alone. I have stated to him what I need to feel loved and he says he will try to do those things, but would it be better for me to walk away? Mentally, he not in a great place, so how can i expect him to be nurturing/caring to me when he not at his best mentally?

Im torn because I know relationships go through rough patches and if my mom was sick, I probably would be acting the same way. What exasperates the issue is that he was already acting that way before his mom was sick.

I don't want to stay in a relationship where I feel like my needs aren't being met but then I always don't want to break up with him because he already going through it with his mother's health and finances.
Should I stay or leave my boyfriend?
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