Should I block him and move on with my life?

Me and this guy, both 28, have been off and in for a year and 8 months. Started really strong. Lived together during the pandemic shortly after moving. We argued a bunch but we’re always able to apologize and be happy immediately. He had to move for work and the arguing got worse because he got distant, not calling or picking up most of each day. He went 3 months without seeing me and blamed it on me arguing too much. Finally came for a weekend and this is when I found out he was flirting with other women on social media. I ended the relationship but we shortly decided to work it out but not get back together. So we’ve been broken up since December 2020. I kept begging him to come see me and he didn’t want to. 4 more months went by so I decided to go on a date, which he found out about and promptly made his way down to my city to berate me for moving on. We still decided to try to work it out. He moved back to my city but says he doesn’t want to be “up under me” so we only see each other like once a week (which causes arguments because I feel neglected). This past weekend, I made us dinner then saw his phone. He has been messaging someone he calls “baby girl” … I confronted him. He apologized and said it won’t happen again but won’t talk to me about it. Hung up in my face last night and basically said move on from this or don’t talk to me. I care about him so much. Is it worth trying or should I cut ties and keep it pushing?
Should I block him and move on with my life?
5 Opinion