Tricky situation that I’m not sure how to handle?

So I will be seeing a female friend for the first time in over 2 months Tommorow at a group get together. We haven’t been on the best of terms nor spoken since around Thanksgiving time. She doesn’t know that I will be there, I care about her very deeply and am not sure how to approach the situation. All I know is I miss her very much and want to get back on good terms. Would it be better to approach her from the start? Or should I keep my distance and let her come to me? I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. We quit talking over a minor disagreement and it was more of my idea to cut contact versus hers, so I know she has no issues with me, yet the situation still makes me nervous. I was thinking about approaching her and after the get together asking her if she wanted to come over to my place and discuss things but I’m not sure whether that would be the best idea or not. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Tricky situation that I’m not sure how to handle?
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