Girlfriend has been really depressed and crying a lot lately. I’m very concerned and can’t focus on anything but this problem right now. Anyone help?

My girlfriend (25) is a really high performing person with a lot going on professionally. She is a software engineer, dancer, freelance model, and Lead of a cancer research non-profit. So she’s really busy and puts excessive pressure on herself. She is so beautiful that I was shocked that she wanted to be with me at first, and she makes me so happy with her warmth and she’s so nurturing.
Anyway, I’ve noticed a change in her recently where she just seems so sad, and I mean REALLY sad. She still goes through all the motions by still doing all her work, getting ready, etc. so no decline in her performance or care regimes. However, she’s been crying so much out of seemingly nowhere and has been talking negatively about herself lately — I know this is subtle and small but she had a questionnaire pop up for those like “if you forget your password, this is how you’ll get back in” sort of thing, and for the “how would you describe yourself?” Question she put “subpar”. I know this because I was there with her and it wasn’t showing the *** type of code as you enter in the answer.
She’s so hard on herself that she scheduled an extra session with her personal trainer just because she didn’t feel that her performance from the last session was good, because she thinks she didn’t lift well enough, even though her trainer said she did exceptionally well and that most of his female clients couldn’t do that. I get it that she wants to strive for excellence but she’s being too harsh and it breaks my heart to see it.
There’s more, but I can’t write much because of the character limit.
Basically: She comes home and just starts balling her eyes out. Is she hiding feelings from something that she hasn’t resolved? I know she was assaulted a few years before we started dating. I am not sure if she went through all the self love care afterwards since she’s all go, go, go. I know it upsets her still. I just want to help her out because I’m very worried about her.
Girlfriend has been really depressed and crying a lot lately. I’m very concerned and can’t focus on anything but this problem right now. Anyone help?
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