Help a clueless man. Is my girlfriend depressed?

This has been going on for about six weeks. She slowly became increasingly distant. She's dealing with her mom having cancer - her change in behavior pretty much started exactly when she got this news - she's super close to her mom, and she also lost her father back in 2022. We're both in our 20s, been together for about a year. No problems before - relationship amazing, honeymoon phase we were enamored with eachother.

I thought some fresh perspectives on this would be good, so I''ve jotted down some of the things she has told me / confided in me the last time we spoke on the phone so you can guage whether you think she's depressed.

  • She said she is struggling to focus and has been talked to by her boss regarding her drop in productivity/performance.
  • Random/uncontrolled spells of crying during the day, and that she feels a pain in her chest
  • Said that she's been feeling like a robot who is just going through the motions everyday, not really feeling anything
  • Is finding it hard to do social things or get out of the house
  • Has stopped exercising, something she used to do regularly
  • She was taking an online skills course related to something she is interested in pursuing, and said that she's no longer attending her classes and has pretty much given up on it
  • Said that she is forgetting things, like wishing her niece a happy birthday on her birthday
  • Overall saying she is finding it hard to function, and when I brought up that her change started when she received the news about her mom, she agreed with me. As I mentioned, she has a very, very close relationship with her mom.
  • Has admitted in the past that she struggles with anxiety and has been thiknking of seeing a therapist for almost one year.

Despite this when i asked her she denied that she's depressed.

Then she finally told me she needs some space (I did open this door to her previously, that if she needs some time she can let me know). Haven't spoken in 2 weeks and am getting worried.

Help a clueless man. Is my girlfriend depressed?
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