I met this guy at work we work together and we became good friends and we got along well but The problem is that I'm from Europe and his black?

We have different culture and I view life differently and I'm religious. He started to have feelings for me and I was kinda interested in him too but he went to far telling me how he really likes me and he sees future with me. I tried explain to him that it might not work out with us in future bc I am different race and have different culture and religion and in our culture we don't marry different race ( for the most part) so after all this time we been talking and stuff I had to break it off he got very heart broken bc he said he spended so much time and effort on me and said he can't love any girl anymore after what I did. Than later he comes up to me and says is it bc I am black? I personally can't do anything about it bc my parents would of disapprove me being with him so I had to break it off am I wrong?
I met this guy at work we work together and we became good friends and we got along well but The problem is that I'm from Europe and his black?
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