How can I cope with my emotions so I don’t drive my boyfriend away?

My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. That with different time zones, I still feel lonely and have no one to talk to. Or during the moment whenever my mom says something that hurts me, I have no one to turn to. Not even my siblings or my father who wants anything to do with my mom drama.
How can I cope with my emotions so I don’t drive my boyfriend away?
Then I wallow in silence myself contemplating all the negative stuff my mom told me. For hours carrying this pain.

Till later on, my boyfriend texts me “Good morning love ❤️“ “how was your day?” That at this point I don’t want to talk to him or rant about what happened to me. Cause then it’ll stress him out and avoid me even more.

What should I do? So when my feelings and emotions are hurt, it doesn’t stress my boyfriend out and drive him away?
How can I cope with my emotions so I don’t drive my boyfriend away?
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