What's a good way to become more expressive with emotions?

Showing your emotions is healthy!
Showing your emotions is healthy!
I've been having some good heart to heart conversations with my girlfriend about how we can move the relationship forward towards marriage and one issue she was concerned about is when I suppress my emotions too much and not express myself enough emotionally! I often instinctually go into a state of emptiness where I have a blank expression and remain emotionless in order to avoid feeling too angry, frustrated and/or upset. It's not healthy because my girlfriend often wonders how I feel and she can't read my mind when I show nothing but a blank stare!

How do you open yourself up to pour out your emotions in a healthy manner? What's a good way to feel more vulnerable and let emotions do their thing without feeling like a robot?
What's a good way to become more expressive with emotions?
17 Opinion