Minor disagreements in a relationships how do you know who is right, who is wrong, and does it really matter?

Minor disagreements in a relationships how do you know who is right, who is wrong, and does it really matter?
So in relationships, people have minor disagreements. I am not talking about cheaters and abuse here. I am talking about things like:

Why does he left the the toilet seat up all the time?

Why doesn't she Never like my IG posts?

Must she squeeze the tooth paste from the top?

Why does he just let his dirty laundry stack up in the corner?

How important are these things to you, and in the end do they really matter, and why do we get hung up over who's right and who is wrong all the time?

When is enough enough?

Feel free to offer a perspective and share why these types of things really matter?
Yes, it matters.
No it does not matter
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Minor disagreements in a relationships how do you know who is right, who is wrong, and does it really matter?
1 Opinion