Love the one you're with or be with the one you love?

About 6 months ago I decided I needed a change in my life and decided to move to a new city. Just one month before moving I met a girl. We dated briefly and after I relocated she came to visit me twice. It was really nice and we got to know each other on a deeper level, but just two days after she went back the second time, she said we were going too fast and should take some time off (basically not speaking or texting).

Just at that same time I met another girl, living just two blocks away from me. Her boyfriend died last October so she wasn't ready for a new relationship, but the chemistry between us was really intense. We started hanging out a lot and made out a couple of times. Things were going fast, and she told me she liked me but was still in too much of a turmoil to have so many feelings so soon. I told her I wanted to be with her but didn't want to rush things nor pressure her into anything, and that I was willing to wait and be at her side, one step at a time (due to her boyfriend's death she decided to move back to the city where she came from, 2 hrs away from where I'm living). Meanwhile, and this is where it gets interesting, I started researching about past lives and came across information on twin flames, soulmates, karmic relationships. Turns out this girl is my twin flame, but I withheld the info since it would just add up to the pressure and could even come off as emotional blackmail. So after we had the "the talk" she ghosted me, stopped following me on IG and moved cities as was previosly intended.

Just a few days ago my ex and I talked over the phone for like 5 hours and she told me she wants to get back together (even though we're 900kms appart). I don't feel the same passion nor the "connection" that I get from my twin, but she is safe and she clearly wants to be with me.

So... should I just "make lemonade" and get on with my life, or should I hold on to what my heart/soul are telling me, even if it's just a fool's dream?
Love the one you're with or be with the one you love?
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