What reason should I give him?

I was speaking regularly to my crush for almost a year, things seemed to be progressing well, then we just stopped replying to me. I would message him and ask how he is and start a conversation but he’d be very dry.
A couple weeks later he posted a photo with him and his ex, then I found out through someone else that they are back together. I didn’t contact him for 2 months for two reasons: out of respect for his relationship and tbh I think he could’ve told me something without blatantly ignoring me.

3 months has passed and he contacted me first. Turns out he wants a favor from me…. He also asked me why I stopped contacting him. Part of me wants to say the truth, yet part of me just wants to simply say “I was busy” or something and let it be. I have been detaching from him for 4 months and I don’t wanna get closer to him.

Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you 😊
What reason should I give him?
2 Opinion