What to do when I started a small argument with boyfriend out of mood swing?

I’ve been official with my boyfriend for just about a week (known each to her for a month) and he’s definitely the best boyfriend I’ve ever had! I love him to death and we have always gotten along well and have the same goals.
I got on my period a few days ago though when I was in France and usually get very sensitive at that time. I had been in France for a few days and missed my boyfriend a lot, so I told him we should spend the day I get back together (Sunday). When Sunday rolls around I fly in and text him good morning and he replies good morning. Then I see he posts videos at a party of a girl (who is admittedly likely a friend) dancing provocative on the stage. being on my period, I get upset and assume “he looks busy” for me.
THEN he texts me asking if he can invite his friends to our planned vacation together. I get upset that he’d put in that position to say no (and I paid for most of this trip) and text “there are so many reasons no” which I know… is so petty:(
I then text him that I’m mad at him for not asking me out Sunday and asked if he has some sort of relationship with that girl. When he apologized, I immediately feel terrible and regret being so petty. Is this normal? I feel terrible about these past couple days, but don’t know if I should apologize and bring him a gift for being a b*tch or move on and act like it never happened. I know arguments will come up again so what do y’all recommend? I don’t want to lose him over this mood swing and jealousy.
What to do when I started a small argument with boyfriend out of mood swing?
7 Opinion