Why is my boyfriend after 3 years being so nice to me and again after 3 years started putting kisses at the end of msgs he's not ever this nice to me?


I'm (35 f) he's (37 m) 3 years if I'm being honest has been near enough hell there has been a lot said and most recently a huge argument where he told me his ex was better at everything including sex and he repeated told me I'm desperate and he doesn't love me and never has. This type of argument happens every couple of weeks sometimes twice a week over the smallest things like i bought the wrong toilet paper or wrong washing up liquid literally the smallest things and he blows up at me saying such cruel things with the intent to hurt me mentally (he's said he says the cruel things cos he knows it hurts me). Then one morning he woke up and was really sweet and nice I thought wow ok I like this but now he's overly sweet and nice to the extent that he's started putting kisses on the end of every message it just happened randomly one night whilst he was in work and that's when something clicked in my head 3 years I've asked why he doesn't put kisses I always put 2 regardless and now out of the blue he's put 2 so I pointed it out and he said o I thought you wanted kisses... am I overthrowing to much or not I mean he's done and said some cruel things over 3 years and tbh he hasn't cared and then over night he's changed into a sweet caring man that wants to be nice and make me happy... x

1 y
If your guna be spiteful in your response like 1 female already has I'd rather you not comment thankyou
Why is my boyfriend after 3 years being so nice to me and again after 3 years started putting kisses at the end of msgs he's not ever this nice to me?
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