Guy is a sex depraved?

I was seeing this guy for a few weeks until i stopped contacting him.. I'm quite certain this guy is a player or at least has some narcissistic qualities but the way he talks about other people is weird.

He's 5.4 himself and because I'm only 5.1, he's bigger than me but he calls everyone shorter than him, short. He called a lady my height as "short". He also called my friend "short korean girl".

He has male friends who think he's too good looking and they are a freelance photographers who take professional pictures of him in various poses. One of his friends even captioned this guy's pictures as "he's here on high demand" . Even though his posts only had 70 likes and 100 likes with very few comments.

I ve also noticed that the guy keeps looking at himself in the mirror or in reflective surfaces and really likes attractive women. With me too, he was only interested in my looks and not in my personality. He even called me a 'waste of time' when I didn't kiss him or have sex with him and started seeing other girls at bars. I caught him once myself.

However he still won't stop talking to him nor does he delete my number.

I'm short and a waste of time for him so what's the point?

Guy is a sex depraved?
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