I miss being happy. all I am these days is depressed and I hate it?

hey everyone. im 30 years old and i’m nowhere i want to be in my life. i barely do anything with my life bc all i do is overthink everything. i don’t hangout with my friends anymore, i dont do anything fun anymore, i don’t work full time anymore. i use to be fun and a really nice person to be around. now i’m not so much. i let peoples perspective about me ruin my day and mood. my current boyfriend likes girls bikini and booty pictures all the time and it makes me so sad. it makes me feel like i’m not sexy enough or pretty enough for him bc he’s liking all these pictures. i’m also very insecure with myself and it’s getting to me real bad. when my boyfriend is drunk and we argue he says some horrible shit that stays with me and i can’t stop thinking about it. for example, he has told me that he likes girls pictures bc our sex life sucks and he once told me that i’m not sexy enough for him. i later on asked him if those things were true and he says no and he apologizes for what he said but i can’t stop thinking about it. and i’m just really sad about the way things are.
I miss being happy. all I am these days is depressed and I hate it?
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