Don’t really know what to do if we’re both ignoring each other?

So this is my first proper long term (healthy) relationship and so I feel quite scared of doing the wrong thing. I have a history of trauma and abuse so my fear of doing the wrong this is magnified and I do tend to doubt myself.

Anyway, we have been officially together for 2 weeks now but we have been seeing eachother for 4 months. In all this time we haven’t argued it’s been lovely.

Until now , although I still wouldn’t call this an argument as we’re just ignoring eachother. But out of nowhere last night he text me before he started work and frankly he was just kind of a dick. I told him I was on a day trip and my phone battery was low so if he called and he didn’t pick up that was why. He answered with short one word answers. He called me ‘bro’ and then I was joking with him saying ‘rude x’ and he said why? I said he called me bro and he just replied saying the conversation was really awkward and that he’s being ‘judged’. I said I didn’t think it was and he just said ‘ok chicken x’ . He said ‘I’m going to work now. Have a good night x’ but it just felt very passive aggressive.

I didn’t engage any further because I don’t like arguments so I left the message on read. I didn’t want to escalate things or have a silly argument and I was also just being avoidant because I felt hurt he was being that way to me. I have no idea where that came from as he never speaks to me like that. Neither of us have text eachother today and i was debating texting him and just not acknowledging last night but now I feel like he should reach out to me after how he behaved? I know this sounds childish and being stubborn like this isn't healthy in a relationship but I also don’t want to be a doormat and I do feel like he was being a jerk for no reason last night


Don’t really know what to do if we’re both ignoring each other?
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