I dont want to be used but dont want to lose him completely... any idea what to do?

I've known my best friend for 5 years. His family is more like family then my own. Been friends through several relationships. I haven't been in a relationship for 4 years. They have always ended horribly, and 2 of which had threatened to kill me and were violent. He has always been a womanizer. Classic mommy issues. He finds one he likes and gets attached but the ones he attaches to are worse than he is and he gets played and broken hearted right back. Knowing this and from my own past, us becoming anything more than friends was always a no. But after his last divorce, he seemed different. He really tried at that one. Still ended the same. But after that we got pretty close.

We've both said I love you before as friends, but it came up more and hugs got closer. Friendship turned flirty and we were going out every weekend and he was at my house playing with my kids and really stepping up for them and me. He got really protective and very helpful. The kids dad is not in the picture. We never had sex but was getting to where I was really wanting to. I was just thinking maybe something could work between us and we had both grown and changed, but then someone he had been crushing over for years came in. He didn't tell me, he just rarely called or came around. We all have mutual friends so i knew, but was hurt he didn't tell me. He finally told me he was bringing a date to a mutual friends wedding, and seemed surprised when I said ok and tried to be happy for him. He almost seemed sad about it, then was happy. It was torture. I couldn't even look at them and tried to keep busy talking with other friends. After that, he started calling/texting more. I think they have been on and off. He has made comments about being with the one whose been there for him, not naming or saying directly. But then he disappears again. I love him and want him to be happy, but this hurts. I don't want to never see him again or hurt the kids cuz they adore him. I just don't know what to do.

I dont want to be used but dont want to lose him completely... any idea what to do?
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