How do I loose feelings for him? Do you think I should loose feelings or continue liking him?

A guy & I had something in the past but we broke up and became friends but there was still some chemistry by the way us. Suddenly, he starts being hot and cold towards me, he'll avoid me one moment and talk to me the next, he just kept switching for no reason. He's a player, he moves from girls to girls for fun, trying to make me jealous too but the relationship doesn't work. We started talking again then he starts snubbing me again and he gets involved with another girl, I thought he's playing her too & trying to make me jealous but they look really happy together tbh. I'm really heartbroken and stuck, I can't move on from him & I have a small feeling he still likes me but his ego is getting in the way. I don't know what to do, I just can't continue feeling like my heart is slowly shattering everyday, I'm seriously hurting. I feel so weak and vulnerable & I hate myself for ever loving him. I honestly wanted to make him feel as horrible as I feel but I'm too nice for that. Its messing with my life ; sleep, school etc cause I was deeply in love with him. Even now, I still can't hate him as i love him. How do I feel nothing towards him? How do I act cold and emotionally unavailable around him? I just want to be free of my feelings, so he wouldn't have power over my emotions anymore. I want to go back to being the flirtatious, happy person I once was. What do I do? How do I detach myself from him? Please help!
Do I get revenge for how he made me feel?
Do I forgive & move on?
Do I become emotionally unavailable and cold towards him?
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How do I loose feelings for him? Do you think I should loose feelings or continue liking him?
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