I still think about my first love all the time. Should I reach out?

i can’t talk to anybody about this without feeling judged but I rejected the opportunity to reconcile with my ex because he played me. He reached out last year and I didn’t accept his invitation to be reconnected. But through all these years I still remembered him and I felt like the fact I never forgot him was proof that I loved him. I feel so alone with these feelings because I do all the things that single people do but my heart isn’t in it. I date other men but I can’t fully commit to anybody or give myself to anybody to the fullest extent. I’ve been celibate since I was with him. The reason I never told anybody is because my heart has been with my first love since I met him and it’s embarrassing. I feel like I deserve to let go of him because of how bad he hurt me, but I never really let go. Sometimes I think about intimate moments we shared -not just sex but deep talks, times where I shared my thoughts with him that I have never told anybody else, or times when he cried and I wiped his tears. I think about the memories all the time kind of like I don’t want to let them go. Sometimes they make me happy-much happier than any after him ever did. All the sweet gestures, dates, flowers and confessions could never replace the feeling I had when I was with him and I hate it. I honestly felt like he probably knew I was faking the fact that I was over him. But I wouldn’t ever act on how I feel because I won’t risk putting myself in a position to get hurt by him ever again. But I want to sometimes, and it’s crossed my mind lately to say something because so much time has passed I figure he and I are both more mature and maybe even different people. But I think about all the ways it could go wrong or how I might feel and I worry that it isn’t worth it

I still think about my first love all the time. Should I reach out?
Post Opinion