When is enough is enough and time to end a friendship?

When is enough is enough and time to end a friendship?

I have a particular friend who I've known for about 5 years now, and the other day she texted me telling me she was feeling sad, and being the person I am I ask why are you sad?

Which ended up in me calling her to talk talk about why she was sad,

And my friend starts the conversation with her saying: "I am sad because I am no longer in love with my boyfriend and we have been fighting a lot as of late" because I have reconnected with an old flame from high school, and I am sad because this old flame stopped talking to me, She said this flame made her feel a way that her boyfriend no longer dose. And went on the mention her boyfriend who she's still living with says its dumb to be sad over such a thing.

She's as a point being embittered and resentful now where she tells him they are "not together" so it's "OK" for her to be back on Tinder and talking to old flames all the while she and her boyfriend as still living together. While he's saying he'll improve and wants to make things work out. But according to her his improvement "Isn't fast enough" for her.

I can't make this crap up even if I wanted to. And it has be revaluating our friendship status because to me how she is going about things goes against personal values of what I want in a friendship influence. And in the 5 years I known her this is the 1st I've ever experienced with her, and not some repeated behavior of hers as far as I'm aware.

I don't understand why she just didn't wait till she moved out and officially ended what she's not happy with, when she mentioned that she would be able to take care of herself on her own.

If this was a friend of yours would you cut ties or have patience helping them come to their senses?

When is enough is enough and time to end a friendship?
13 Opinion