Is he just trying to be nice?

My ex dumped me on Sunday. We didn't speak for a few days and then I decided to contact him hoping to talk.
It was clear he didn't want to talk about things, but he called me to 'check in with me' and see if I was OK.
He did this twice. He messaged me saying he hopes there's no hard feelings and hopefully we can be friends and see what happens?

I'm not sure what the point is- he can't even talk about the problem that led our break up, so how can he detach and be friends?
He's done this before to keep me in the picture and we eventually met up and re-kindled.
We met up in the past and he would come towards me for a kiss despite trying to be 'friends'.
I don't know if this is the same thing, but I'm pissed of he feels obliged to check on me like he cares, but won't discuss anything else.

I love him and want things to be resolved but feel hurt about his approach to things. I was willing to fight to make this work, he is avoidant and doesn't talk when something upsets him. This has always been an issue so there's never a resolution to conflict. I just want him to learn how to handle arguments so we can both be happy and move on from it. But stating this is like a dig to his ego, it just doesn't register with him. Is it a lost cause? Should I be his friend anyway?
Is he just trying to be nice?
1 Opinion