Am I invading his personal space?

There’s a guy at church that I’ve interacted with a past couple Sunday’s since he joined the church. We sit next to one another and the conversation is great ! We talk about are likes and dislikes and topics in Sunday school. However, I usually don’t like to immediately approach him in Sunday school class because I don’t want him to feel obligated to sit next to me. Last Sunday, morning Sunday school was over and I walked ahead and he eventually joined to sit next to me once he entered the church.

This Sunday, class was over and I noticed as I intentionally began taking a step towards the door and so did he and we eventually made it at the same time. He was ahead of me and slowly lingered so I stepped next to him and asked about his week.
After church service was over he gets up and slowly lingers and I get up to join beside him. I was sorta offended because I assumed he was leaving me. We spoke as we walked out and he wished me a great week.

I don’t know if his that’s mannerisms or if I’m invading his personal space. Am I overstepping boundaries?
Am I invading his personal space?
Am I invading his personal space?
Post Opinion