Best way to re kindle with a co worker?

So a co worker of mine really showed interest in me. We decided to hang out and went on a few dinners/lunches. After getting to know each other a bit she asked if we should consider “dating”.

We went on a couple boyfriend/girlfriend type dates over a months span and everything was going well. All of a sudden she started backing off a little. She let me know a bit later that at the moment she’d rather just remain friends than be something more.

I believe the reason was me playing it slow since we were co worker and I didn’t give the relationship full effort as I could. We texted all the time and invited me for a hike a month later. It was same home we had our first kiss. I tried to re kindle but she said something similar and that it’s not me and that work and all has her busy.

We still text all the time and have great text conversations. It’s been almost a month since the hike, but I feel like I need to fully express my feelings. As I know there is still something there. I can feel it in my gut. How do I best approach this?
1 y
Even if she’s already expressed she just wants to be friends the last time we went on a hike? I was thinking about dropping off flowers and her doorstep with a note or do you feel like that is doing too much? I wasn’t in the friend zone and I feel like I put my own self in the friend zone by not being passionate enough. I shoulda been more assertive and I feel like I need to show her that.
Best way to re kindle with a co worker?
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