Will you please answer this short questionnaire for me (on here; no redirects)?


1. Do you live in the continuous United States (anywhere in the US except Alaska, Hawaii, or a US Territory)?
A. Yes
B. No

2. What age group are you in?
A. Under 18
B. 18 - 22
C. 23 - 25
D. 26 - 29
E. 30 - 34
F. 35+

3. What sex are you (assigned at birth)?
A. Male
B. Female

4. Do you have a gender identity that doesn't correspond to the sex assigned at birth?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Choose not to answer this

5. Are you attracted to those of the opposite sex?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not applicable or choose not to answer this

6. Are you now married?
A. Yes
B. No

7. Have you ever been married (divorced, annulled, or widowed)?
A. Yes
B. No

8. How often do you struggle with loneliness?
A. Very minimal or not at all
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the time

9. Of the friends you did have or have now that were from your youth (childhood and adolescence), how many would you say are married and/or have children of their own?
A. None
B. Very few
C. Many
D. All of them
E. Not applicable or I don't know

10. What age did you have your first boyfriend/girlfriend or first fall in love?
A. Under 18
B. 18 - 22
C. 23 - 25
D. 26+
E. Never had a boyfriend/girlfriend and never been in love before

11. How would you best describe your first love from below?
A. That person broke my heart
B. I broke that person's heart
C. I am married to that person
D. None of the above are applicable

12. Are you satisfied with your social life today?
A. Yes
B. No

Will you please answer this short questionnaire for me (on here; no redirects)?
7 Opinion