Should I worry because my partner falls in love easily?

I have dated this man for 2 years now ( lived 1 year together, gone on two big trips together, first one to meet his friends, post of social media, be apart of Christmas, etc)

I was told in the beginning about his exs one was in high school incompatible due to maturity lasted less then three months. Another college apart of the same friend circle dated incompatible I was told due to long term goals dated 2-3 months was his first time didn’t go well they did it once and he got dumped a week later. Last one before me was like a hippy he says pushed his beliefs he was a traditional and religious fella that grew but they could never meet because Covid lock down restrictions forbid them from meeting. They had virtual video calls frequently and phone sex. She broke up with him due to distance. When Covid ended she tried to get back with her but she found someone else.

Moral of the story is my partner has fallen in love with all three woman. The relationships lasted less then 3 months each. All three pushed him in a lot of ways all three didn’t alone long term with his goals and valued.

We align it seems besides me wanting kids. I didn’t know he easily fell in love. I have never falling in love before or had only one relationship prior to him (fuck boy lasted 7 months he dumped me).

I feel replaceable, and like he falls in loves easily. I don’t I never fell in love before and I thought I was his first and prior too it was puppy love but he is defensive of his exs

I don’t feel special…. I don’t feel we have what I originally though a unique and lasting long
He lied about being in love with these girls

I don’t know what to do. I didn’t think I would be living and in love with a man that loves radioed because that just means I am replaceable and it isn’t cherish equally

I am an option instead of the one. It hurts me to learn this

What should I do
9 mo
Third one dumped him too and found someone else.

He was dumped by all of them.
9 mo
I thought I finally found a guy dependable and trustworthy and wanting to make things work because I am worth it but I think he is fearful of being alone and takes what he can get

Falling in love isn’t special for him as it comes easily. I am replaceable with any female willing to stay with him. It’s disheartening…

I thought it was because it was unconditional love and finding the unique love
Should I worry because my partner falls in love easily?
16 Opinion