Will she come back?



I've[35M] been dating a girl[29F] for a short while 2month, and we only came to second date.
No kissing tho, didn't want to push her on these buttons coz she told me want to take things slow. But yet she said she felt like friends after first date. I guess it's coz her breakup still is fresh.

Now she tells me the classic excuse "I don't know what I want, I need to find myself" etc.
She broke up with her Ex 6months ago, from a 9yrs relationship, so I suspect they're now might trying to rekindle things, since accourding to her they're still "friends". They also reacts (he likes hers, she hearts his) to eachothers posts... "as friends"... Which to me it sounds more as "friends".. But yet again, just an post-reaction on FB...

Now when I was looking around abit (yes, stalking), I found out that the day after our first date, she had a photo with her ex and his mother.. which also... I don't know... weird?

After she made her excuse, I more or less told her to reconnect when she's ready and made a blanter joke refering to our dates.
She laughed, in other words, I left with a good expression and she knows my intentions.
This was 1 week ago.

Again, I suspect she was testing the waters..
How big of a chance do you guys think she will reconnect?
Have you guys tested the waters (I guess without even tell the current relationship) before and end up singles anyway within a year?

100% chance he will reconnect
50% chance he will reconnect
0% chance he will reconnect
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
9 mo
I see now in the poll.


Not "He"..
Will she come back?
3 Opinion