Caught girlfriend texting her ex boyfriend about getting money and then see an email of her inviting her out, should I terminate over this?

So recently I caught my girlfriend texting her ex boyfriend. I see the texts and she is basically asking him for $35k to help her with her business. She previously received 50k from him to help her business before they broke up.

I read the texts and he says he will give the $35k , but will need full access to have sex with her for the next 6 months. He's aware she's in a relationship, but he doesn't care. He's some rich guy in Miami. They were into some freaky stuff apparently while together.

I later see her emails and see he just sent her an invitation to visit him in Chicago and says " Baby I just booked the Hilton downtown for next weekend, can you make it?"

I'm obviously furious, but she's crying saying she loves me and she was only using him for the money. She says she wasn't going to meet up with him and it was only to get the $35k. I don't know, is this termination worthy? who knows what would have happened if I didn't catch this so soon.. opinions?

Caught girlfriend texting her ex boyfriend about getting money and then see an email of her inviting her out, should I terminate over this?
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