Is he being selfish in the relationship we have?

Okay so some quick information, I’m 20F and he’s 23M, we’ve been talking for about 5 months and started seeing each other (going out on dates/sleeping over) for about 3 months. Our relationship is pretty unique because I’m a full time college student and he’s in the military. We live about an hour and a half away but we only see each other every other week. You could say I’m the one compromising since he works 5/7 days a week, meaning he has only 2 days off, out of those two we meet one of those days every other week. I want a relationship with him but he’s scared of commitment, despite that he says he cares about me and my feelings, calls me couple names, he texts me everyday throughout the day, and FaceTimes me for hours some days. Despite the lack of a title, I’ve been loyal to him while he had allowed me to fall for him, Is he being selfish and am I being dumb? Also I planned to have the conversation about us to him this week but he’s going for training for a few days, would it be better to wait till he comes back for an in person conversation or over FaceTime (mind you im hella anxious and wanna have it).

Is he being selfish in the relationship we have?
Post Opinion