Should I dump him?


My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 7 months. I’m considering dumping him as he does not put in enough effort. He’s lazy, I spend most money and I make most plans. We recently came back from a trip and I told him that he has to help with driving to and from as well as during our stay there because I did the driving the entire time time last time. While he helped out a tiny bit it was still minimal (probably the bare minimum). We live about 50 miles apart and the agreement was that I would drive the first half back and he the last half so that I’d have a break in between driving the rest of the way home. Instead he slept the whole car ride back to his place.

He rarely plans anything and hardly spends any money. I probably spend more money on us than he does. He always complains about how broke he is and how he has expenses (he just bought a condo and has child support from a previous relationship). I totally understand all of that but it’s not my responsibility to take care of our expenses all together most of the time.

He has never gotten me flowers or little cheap, inexpensive gifts like a bracelet or necklaces or whatever, yet I get him items all the time. For Father’s Day I got him a new wallet because he said he needed one and I get him nice clothing when I go shopping for myself just because I think of him.

We don’t even have sex often and I vocalize when I’m in the mood and he will always say in a little bit or maybe later. I’m always rejected sexually. And he doesn’t like to give oral. He also didn’t let me finish the other night and only he got off.

Obviously this behavior is dumping behavior. I guess I’m just naive and wonder if I talk to him about it would he actually change or is it not worth the stress? I just feel as though I’m being taken advantage of and it’s not fair. I truly believe he lucked out when he met me because I do a lot and am very giving, caring, thoughtful and loving.

Should I dump him?
6 Opinion