Should I get into a relationship or not? I seem to be at a complicated situation at least to me?


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I was in a one-sided love situation where all I was given was hope and recently was completely shattered by a girl. It took me months to move on, and now I will say that I am less of an emotion-oriented person. Which has done me good ofcourse.

Then, few weeks back, I saw this girl, she is quite good, has a nice body, and I seemed to be attracted to her. I always knew I had a good game, and I texted her, played along as I was feeling it and now I am at a point where I know she likes me for sure, and now I am in a problem.

I don't want to end up using her for moving on, which I think somewhere in my mind that is why the attraction is. Initially I didn't feel like it but now I feel that I might end up using her, but again she is a very nice person. I am scared of getting into a relationship and ending up breaking her because I know that at this point it would take a lot of time for me to emotionally bond with people on that level.

We are quite close at this point, to the point where I can say that if I propose her right now she will say yes for sure. That is where I am hesitant about, this will be my first relationship then, I have been in situationships before but never an actual relationship.

What do you think I should do? I don't wanna break her, but I don't wanna let her go just like that without trying either.

Should I get into a relationship or not? I seem to be at a complicated situation at least to me?
3 Opinion