Should the way my partner acts when he is mad be an important thing to consider in whether I should stay with him or not?


He can be really hurtful with his words when he is mad and sometimes I just don't have the energy to "argue" with him and I feel really small and like he is manhandling me. In the end he usually apologizes but it's been years and sometimes he still surprises me with the way he acts even tho it's happening less times... I just want to do the right thing for myself because he is really good when things are ok but I don't want to be old and have a family and have someone talk like that when something less nice comes up, or in front of my kids... But maybe it's just normal for some people to express themselves like that.. I don't know

Yes, absolutely.
No, people will say anything when they're upset...
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Should the way my partner acts when he is mad be an important thing to consider in whether I should stay with him or not?
23 Opinion